Impact of Project Complexity on Project Success through Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Practices Moderating Role of Ambidextrous Leadership


  • Irum Iqbal MS Scholar, Essex Business School, University of Essex, United Kingdom. Email: Автор


Ключевые слова:

Project complexity, Project Management, Ambidextrous leadership, Knowledge Management, Project Success


The research article investigates the intricate dynamics within the IT industry of Pakistan, exploring the impact of project complexity on project success. Utilizing a quantitative, cross sectional approach with a sample of 384 IT professionals, the study reveals a negative influence of project complexity on project success. Knowledge management practices emerge as crucial mediators, mitigating the negative impact of complexity and fostering positive project outcomes. The findings underscore the pivotal role of ambidextrous leadership, indicating that leaders with adaptability enhance the relationship between project complexity, knowledge management practices, and project success. Key insights highlight the importance of cultivating a culture of openness and innovation, improving information collection about managerial requirements, and promoting diverse sources of knowledge acquisition within organizations. Additionally, the study emphasizes the significance of leadership behavior that encourages networking, brainstorming, and the transfer of best practices. The study contributes valuable insights for both academia and industry, paving the way for further research and strategic interventions in the evolving landscape of the IT sector.


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Как цитировать

Iqbal, I. . (2023). Impact of Project Complexity on Project Success through Mediating Role of Knowledge Management Practices Moderating Role of Ambidextrous Leadership. Journalism, Politics and Society, 1(03), 211-230.

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