Title: Journalism, Politics and Society
E-ISSN: 3005-527X
P-ISSN: 3005-5261
DOI Provider: Crossref.org
Frequency: Quarterly
Medium: Print and Online
Language: English
Peer Review Process: Double-blind
Journal’s Website: www.jpolas.com
Editor Email: editor@jpolas.com
Publishers: Shafi Research Publishers PvT LTD
Aim and Scope
The ultimate aim of Journalism, Politics and Society (JPOLAS) is to provide an intellectual platform for academicians, researchers, and professionals to interact and disseminate original research in the field of social sciences and humanities. Furthermore,
- The journal seeks to publish original research articles, review articles, case studies, and book reviews that provide theoretical and empirical insights into the above-mentioned areas. The articles should be based on rigorous research methodologies, provide new knowledge or ideas, and contribute to the advancement of the relevant fields. The journal also encourages interdisciplinary research and welcomes articles that address communication, media, politics, and the intersections of humanities and social sciences and its subfields.
- To advance research in the realm of communication, media, politics, and social thought and its interlinked disciplines like Humanities and Social Sciences
- To promote the publishing of high-quality theoretical and empirical research scripts
- To develop global networks among academicians, researchers, and professionals for interaction and cooperation
- To encourage different genres in creative and research writing
- To enhance the diversity, multiplicity, and miscellany of the research on society in general.
The scope of this journal is specific fields of social sciences and humanities. JPOLAS will publish papers both on theoretical and applied aspects of the following disciplines:
- Media and Communication Studies
- Political Science
- International Relations
- Psychology
- Sociology and Development Studies
- Education
- Management Sciences