Effects of TV Dramas on Pakistani Culture: A Case Study of Bahria University Islamabad


  • Saif Bin Pervaiz MS Scholar, Media Studies Bahria University, Islamabad Pakistan. Email: saifunderscore@gmail.com Автор



Ключевые слова:

Tv Media, cultivation theory, culture, values, Bahria university


The study was conducted to explore the influencing role of media in Pakistan because if the media of any nation is fascinated by the evolution of the multinational media, then the watchers are willing to embrace those transformations. The main goals of the analysis were to investigate the effects of TV dramas on clothing, food, language and living style, customs, traditions, social norms and values of Pakistani society by applying cultivation theory as a model for this research. For this purpose, a survey method was utilized. The sample population of the analysis consisted of 190 members including students and faculty members from Bahria University Islamabad. A questionnaire consisting of closed ended questions was utilized as a research tool. The outcomes show that Multinational media deeply affect youths in a negative direction. The expected results of the investigation prove a negative impact on Pakistani lifestyle and individuality. Some recommendations are being mentioned to highlight and deliver the TV media that nurture our moral values, customs, and traditions in civilization.


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Как цитировать

Pervaiz, S. B. (2023). Effects of TV Dramas on Pakistani Culture: A Case Study of Bahria University Islamabad. Journalism, Politics and Society, 1(03), 154-161. https://doi.org/10.63067/bxj0c529

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