Promoting Tourism via Instagram: A Study of Instagram Users and the Role of Tourism Companies in Pakistan


  • Sabahuddin Qazi Editor in Chief, Press Network of Pakistan, Pakistan Autor/a
  • Soha Baig Independent Media Researcher, Islamabad Pakistan. Autor/a


Palabras clave:

Instagram, tourism, Pakistan, Perception, tourism companies


Tourism in Pakistan has come up against challenges in the past in line with negative sentiments and security apprehensions. But, the escalation of social media has opened up new openings for promoting tourism in the country. This study’s objective is to explore the role of Instagram users and tourism companies in promoting tourism in Pakistan through the platform. This study examined how Instagram users in Pakistan use the platform to learn about and plan travel, how their perceptions of tourism in Pakistan impact their engagement with tourism-related content on the platform, and the role of tourism companies in Pakistan in promoting their destinations on Instagram. A survey was conducted among 200 Instagram users in Pakistan. The findings of the study propose that Instagram users in Pakistan use the platform to satisfy their need for travel inspiration, information, and connection. They are more likely to engage with tourism-related content on Instagram if they have positive perceptions of tourism in Pakistan. Tourism companies in Pakistan can use Instagram to promote their destinations by creating high-quality content, using relevant hashtags, and engaging with users. The participants’ reliance on tourism in Pakistan had a great impact on their engagement with tourism-related content on Instagram. Participants who had a positive penetration of tourism in Pakistan were more likely to follow tourism accounts (70.4%), like tourism-related posts (90%), and comment on tourism-related posts (87%). The findings of this study suggest that Instagram is a treasure tool for tourism promotion in Pakistan. Tourism companies in Pakistan can use Instagram to reach a large audience of potential travelers, build relationships with these travelers, and encourage them to visit Pakistan.


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Cómo citar

Qazi, S., & Baig, S. (2024). Promoting Tourism via Instagram: A Study of Instagram Users and the Role of Tourism Companies in Pakistan. Journalism, Politics and Society, 2(01), 1-20.

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