Parenting Daily Hassles and General Well Being: Moderating Role of Social Support Among Mothers


  • Fariha Abdul Rehman Psychotherapist, BUIC Islamabad, Pakistan. Email: Author



Social support, General Wellbeing, Parenting Daily Hassle, Mothers, Mental health practitioners


The present research aims to find the relationship between parenting daily hassles, social support, and general wellbeing of mothers. Moreover, the study intends to investigate the moderating role of various types of Social Support. It was hypothesized that parenting daily hassles would be related with social support and general well being. It was also hypothesized that social support will moderate the relationship between parenting daily hassles and general well-being among mothers. A sample of 150 mothers was validated through convenient sampling technique. Parenting daily hassles scale, 2-way social support scale and general wellbeing schedule measures were used. The results showed that there is a significant negative correlation between intensity of parenting daily hassles and general wellbeing. The findings supported that intensity of parenting daily hassles predicts general wellbeing among mothers. The research also indicates that receiving instrumental social support moderates the relationship between intensity of parenting daily hassles and general well-being. The findings of the research sheds light upon the fact that instrumental support is required from the environment of mothers for their general wellbeing. It also provides a guideline mental health practitioner to develop therapeutic plans that increases instrumental support for mothers with higher intensities of parenting daily hassles.



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How to Cite

Rehman, F. A. (2023). Parenting Daily Hassles and General Well Being: Moderating Role of Social Support Among Mothers. Journalism, Politics and Society, 1(02), 68-83.

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