Exploring Social Media Use Among Young Adults for Health Information Acquisition


  • Amna Khursheed Department of Applied Psychology, Riphah University, Islamabad Pakistan Autor/a
  • Salman Rasul Independent Media Researcher, Islamabad Pakistan Autor/a



Palabras clave:

Impact, Social Media, Health information, Credible source, Youth, Decision-making


The purpose of this study is to investigate the usage of social media platforms to obtain health-related information among young adults in Pakistan. Considering the increasing reliance on digital sources for health-related inquiries, especially among the youth, this study aims to examine the prevalence and impact of social media in this context within the context of Pakistani culture. People get to connect more and learn about their issues and health. A survey is conducted to study aims to identify factors that young adults' engagement with social media health information and their beliefs of the credibility and trustworthiness of such sources. By shedding light on these dynamics, the findings of this study can help develop targeted interventions and educational initiatives aimed at promoting healthy reading and responsible online behaviour among Pakistani youth. A survey is scheduled in four universities based in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. The departments of social sciences, IT, Public Health, Psychology and Media Sciences. 300 Students are reached out to get the objectives done. The knowledge gained from this study is well-positioned to guide focused interventions and educational initiatives meant to cultivate in Pakistani youth a culture of responsible online engagement and informed decision-making. This research has identified the underlying motives and behaviours that are connected with online health-seeking practices, and it has determined the influences on engagement with health content on social media and appraised opinions about the validity and dependability of such sources. The study has resulted in some significant findings that could be used for us to design programs and interventions that would guide young Pakistanis on how they can embrace technology responsibly while keeping themselves secure while online.


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Cómo citar

Khursheed, A., & Rasul, S. . (2024). Exploring Social Media Use Among Young Adults for Health Information Acquisition. Journalism, Politics and Society, 2(02), 100-116. https://doi.org/10.63067/x3akh704

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